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Take Action & Learn More

Some fantastic organizations are on the ground doing this work – and part of our work is connecting and amplifying!

Call 424-363-4877 to call your representatives
and quickly & easily make a difference!

Thanks to Fight for the Future for creating this line!

Amnesty International

Amnesty International

Sign the Petition to Outlaw Facial Recognition In New York, and learn more about Amnesty International's efforts in banning law enforcement's use of facial recognition technology.

Color of Change

Color of Change

Color of Change's Senior Campaign Director makes a statement about facial recognition and public housing.

Fight for the Future

Fight for the Future

Email your members of Congress that facial recognition surveillance technology is unreliable, unjust, and a threat to basic rights and safety, and they should support the legislation to stop facial recognition

Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP)

Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP)

S.T.O.P. litigates and advocates for privacy, working to abolish local governments’ systems of mass surveillance. Our work highlights the discriminatory impact of surveillance on Muslim Americans, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, indigenous peoples, and communities of color, particularly the unique trauma of anti-Black policing.

The Daily Podcast - The End of Privacy as We Know It?

The Daily Podcast - The End of Privacy as We Know It?

Listen In: A secretive start-up promising the next generation of facial recognition software has compiled a database of images far bigger than anything ever constructed by the United States government: over three billion, it says. Is this technology a breakthrough for law enforcement — or the end of privacy as we know it?

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Are you a filmmaker or donor interested in being a part of this process? 

Writers: does this topic interest you? Love writing comedy and tech/social issues? Contact us at

Actors, directors, producers, filmmakers: send your resume & website/reel to

Donors: We will soon be launching a fundraising campaign; reach out to – we would love to hear what's important to you!

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